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Runtime Errors

Runtime Error 002 (File not Found)
Runtime Error 003 (Path not found)
Runtime Error 100 (Disk read error)
Runtime Error 101 (Disk write error)
Runtime Error 158 (Sector Not Found)

Runtime Error 200 (Division by Zero)
Runtime Error 201 (Range Check Error)
Runtime Error 203 (Heap overflow error)

ISAM Errors

ISAM 9903 (File not Found)
ISAM 10010 (Index file damage)


Input / Output Error 103
Program Freezes
General Re-Sort Exits you out of Turbo-School
Not Ready Reading Drive A:\ Abort, Retry, Fail?
The File Setting in your Config.sys is too low.

Message from Windows – "Program has Violated System Integrity"
How can I avoid damaged data?


 Runtime Error 002 (File not Found)

If you have a recent backup, you can restore it to see if that solves your problem. If it doesn’t, or if you’ve done a fair amount of work since your last backup, contact us and we’ll try to get you going.


Runtime Error 003 (Path not found)

This happens in a network situation when a directory that Turbo-School is residing in has a sub-directory name with more than 8 characters.


Runtime Error 100 (Disk read error)

Go to Utilities - General Re-sort (if you’re able to get into Turbo-School). Try doing an Attendance Audit. Go through and fix all problems found by the audit. If neither of the previous attempts worked, re-install Turbo-School. Should you still have a problem, change you directory in DOS to data650. Take a directory listing and look for any files with 0 bytes (except for the file "lockdemo"). If you find such a file, jot down the name and extension of the file, and call TCS. If you do not know how to check for the file, contact TCS for further assistance.


Runtime Error 101 (Disk write error)

This error usually occurs in a network situation. If this is the case, then you have not been given rights to save certain system settings. You may need to call in your technician to either help you make the changes you need to make, or to give you the write right!


Runtime Error 158 (Sector Not Found)

  1. Perform a "chkdsk /f" at the DOS prompt –or- if you have Windows 95/98, do a ScanDisk of you system (make sure "Automatically Fix Errors" is selected.)
  2. Next, reinstall the latest version of Turbo-School.
  3. Lastly, start up Turbo-School and go to Utilities – General Re-Sort.


Runtime Error 200 (Division by Zero)

  1. This error may occur with an older verion of Turbo-School (pre-7.00) if you are running a computer rated at a speed of 550 MHz or higher.
  2. To eliminate the problem, just install the latest version of Turbo-School (7.00 or higher).


Runtime Error 201 (Range Check Error)

Go to Attendance – Attendance Audit. Once that is done, see if the problem has been solved. If not, go through the steps outlined for Runtime Errors 158 and 200.


Runtime Error 203 (Heap overflow error)

This error generally occurs when there are too many copies of Turbo-School running at once. Close all open copies.


ISAM 9903 (File not Found)

If this occurs in the "schlist.dat" file, two copies of Turbo-School are likely open at once. If not, re-install Turbo-School.


ISAM 10010 (Index file damage)

If this error occurred in the PSR system, go to Utilities-PSR System-PSR Data Re-Sort. Do this twice. If that doesn’t help, and if the file named in the error message is "schlist.dat" – two copies of Turbo-School are likely open at once. Try closing all copies of Turbo-School before proceeding. If not, re-install Turbo-School. If the problem is not resolved, please contact us as soon as possible for assistance.


Input / Output Error 103

If you are using a floppy disk to export, try putting in a new, formatted disk and trying again. If you are trying to Export using a form from the "Edit the Format" section, go into the form you are using, and check to see that the file name contains only letters of the alphabet (8 letters long or less), followed by a period (".") and a three letter extension. An example of this is "common.dat"

NOTE: Schools trying to export their Grade 7 Students to the M.I.G. system should go to Setup – School Address/Starting Date and change the School Abbreviation so that it does not contain any periods or other punctuation.


Program Freezes

Re-start your computer. Go into Turbo-School and try a few options other than the one that froze the screen. If you are able to select and do other things, try once again to do the procedure that caused the freezing. If it is freezing while trying to export to a disk, try using a new, formatted disk. Make a note of where you were, and what you were trying to do when the freezing occurred. Contact TCS for support.


General Re-Sort Exits you out of Turbo-School

Try going back into Turbo-School and doing another resort. If this kicks you out again, then you have damaged data that can't be fixed by doing a resort. Write down any error numbers and file names where the damage has occurred. Contact TCS for assistance.


Not Ready Reading Drive A:\ Abort, Retry, Fail?

There are 4 possible reasons for this:

  1. You do not have a disk in the floppy drive.
  2. The floppy disk that you have in the drive is damaged.
  3. The floppy disk that you have in the drive is either not formatted, or formatted for a Mac machine.
  4. Your floppy drive itself is damaged and you need to have it replaced.


The File Setting in your Config.sys is too low.

Open your config.sys file and change your "FILES=##" statement so that it is 20 higher than what it currently is. Save the changes and then restart your computer. If you are unsure of how to do this, contact TCS.


Message from Windows – "Program has Violated System Integrity"

The first thing to try is re-installing Turbo-School. If the problem persists, you may have a conflict between Turbo-School and another program on your system. Contact TCS. 


How can I avoid damaged data?

  1. The most common reason for damage is an improper shutdown of your computer. Make sure you never shut off your computer when Turbo-School is in the process of performing a task, and never shut down your computer improperly. Note: if you are on a Mac, you should always type ‘Q’ to quit Turbo-School before using the Command-Q or File – Quit keys to close your DOS emulation software (i.e. – SoftPC, RealPC, VirtualPC, SoftWindows)

2) Always use a set of 5 disks for your Turbo-School backups. Rotate through them so that each time you do a backup you are using a different one of the five in the set. That way, if you backup damaged data accidentally, we’ll still be able to use another one of your backup disks to correct the problem. The five disks you use can be used from September right through to June, but should be replaced at the start of the next school year.

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